This reading based around Joseph of Arimathea, is from Day – 21 of the Devotional titled, “Reflections on Passion Week”. The e-book can be purchased on Amazon.com here. (Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited).
Scripture: “As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him.” (Matthew 27:57-58)
After Jesus’ death, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a prominent and upright member of the Jewish Council, went boldly before Pilate and requested permission to bury the body. In the process, he had to go through the tension of first facing an unscrupulous and treacherous governor, and thereafter, a battle-hardened centurion (Mark 15:43-45, Luke 23:50). After checking with the centurion whether Jesus was already dead, Pilate eventually released the body to Joseph (Mark 15:45).
Joseph’s boldness in making this request is quite remarkable in that he had previously been reluctant to openly identify himself as a follower of Jesus due to fear of the Jewish leaders (John 19:38). He would also have to face the wrath of his fellow councilors and of the hateful mob who had voted to condemn Jesus. But Joseph took his stand boldly for God’s Kingdom in which he had placed his faith (Refer Luke 23:50-51).
Whereas Jesus’ body could have been mutilated by the mob and the soldiers and thrown into a common grave, Joseph (together with Nicodemus – another councilor), gave Jesus a burial fit for royalty. They took Jesus’ body from the cross, wrapped it with large amounts of spices in fine linen (John 19:39-40), and placed it in a new tomb owned by Joseph himself (Matthew 27:60).
Although there is no mention of Joseph in the scriptures after this event, he forever remains a vital part of the most important funeral in history because of what he did. His tomb later figured prominently in the most powerful day in history – the day of resurrection! Unknowingly, he also fulfilled a prophecy about the Messiah given centuries before, which said, “He [the Messiah] was assigned a grave…with the rich in his death, …” (Isaiah 53:9).
Can we be bold for God’s Kingdom this week?
Thought: “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened” (Billy Graham).
Prayer: Lord, show me how I could be a blessing for your Kingdom today.
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