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Devotional : Delays Are Not Denials

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I once heard a Pastor mention that he waited 6 long years to win the affection of his future wife. The Founding Pastor of our church, Pastor Colton Wickramaratne received a vision from God in 1957 about his future ministry. He had to persevere through many delays and challenges before the large vision became a reality. When I began my career in Radio Broadcasting, I waited 3 years to get a proper break on the Radio Station. I almost quit, but thankfully God came through. A number of couples I know prayed earnestly for a child for many years before the prayer was answered.

All these stories have one common thread; delay.

Are you troubled about an answer to a prayer being delayed in your life? Have you almost given up? Do you feel like God is denying you His blessing?


Sermon : Four Steps to Win the Battle Over Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

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A man was constantly worrying that somebody was under his bed. He went to a Counselor who was willing to help him, but at a high fee, over many months. A few weeks later the Counselor met the man on the street and asked him why he had not returned. The man replied, “I met a friend who gave me some great advice for free. It worked perfectly’. The Counselor asked what advice had been given him and the man replied, ‘He asked me to cut the legs of the bed down to ground level”!

How much we worry and how many of our worries are unfounded? Unhealthy worrying can cripple us to the point of making us ineffective and unable to cope with life’s challenges. It can also lead to depression. We worry over sickness, viruses, finances, family, children, salt, sugar, unforeseen dangers and many other things.


God Remains Faithful

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We are blessed to see that the views for our Sermons, published on Sermon Central, just passed 200,000. It is nothing but the hand of God and His grace that has made this possible. We are encouraged by what God has done, because Sermon Central is followed by Pastors, Preachers, Christian Leaders and laymen. We are also happy because our ministry is closely identified with our church, Peoples Church (Assembly of God), and our beautiful Nation, Sri Lanka.


Devotional for Palm Sunday: The Lord Needs It

Visual of a Palm Leaf indicating that the article is based around Palm Sunday.

A Devotional For Palm Sunday:

After finishing schooling, I found employment as an Executive in a company that sold electronic products and vehicles. I had hopes of building a career in the secular world until the Lord began to place His call upon my life. His call grew over time to the point that I knew my future was not in secular employment, but in full-time Christian Ministry. Therefore, after 6 years of employment, I obeyed His voice, resigned from my job and gave my future into the hands of the One who called me. I have never regretted that decision. In fact, I wonder where my life might have taken me, if I hadn’t obeyed His voice.


Devotional : Surrounded by God’s Protection

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It is said that Missionary John Paton’s mission house was once surrounded and on the verge of being attacked by hostile natives. As darkness fell and the threat became more serious, Paton and all in the compound, used the only weapon they had; prayer. As they prayed, the attack did not materialize and the threat ended. Much later, as one of the tribal chiefs turned to Jesus, it was discovered that on the eventful night, the attackers had seen a vast army (God’s army) surrounding the mission house with a protective cordon. They realized it would be futile to attack as the compound was securely and strongly protected.

Living in an increasingly insecure world has its real challenges. Dangers, terrorism, new strains of viruses, economic struggles and broken/displaced families surround us on all sides. In the midst of these tensions that can crush our peace and increase our levels of anxiety, it’s comforting to know that we can look to our God, the living God, to surround us with His protection.


Don’t Cast Stones: Devotional

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Illustration on Casting Stones:

A writer described an experience he had about casting stones of judgement, while walking on the road one day. He apparently saw a strong, healthy looking man, leaning back lazily against a chair, attending to what seemed like an insignificant task on a board in front of him. ‘What a lazy fellow’, he thought, as he passed by. However, when he turned back for a second look from a different angle, to his horror he realized that the person he had thought ‘lazy’, was without one leg. You can just imagine what went through the mind of the one who had passed judgment so quickly! He realized that the man was far from lazy, and the work he was involved in was hardly insignificant!

The Words of Jesus:

How easily we pass judgment on people; how easily we criticize them; and how easily we build unpleasant thoughts about others? How quickly we cast stones? We do this so often, even though we may be having worse flaws than the one we are criticizing.


Devotional : Stop

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A couple known to me, took time off their busy schedule to visit a lady who had just lost her husband. Since they didn’t know the lady too well, the visit turned out to be an awkward one, with neither party communicating too much. The grieving wife in fact hardly spoke a word. When the couple eventually left, they felt disappointed that they had failed to comfort the grieving widow. Many months later, to their absolute surprise, she told them that their visit had been one of the most encouraging moments for her during her time of sadness!

We live in an extremely busy world that moves at a rapid pace and given a chance, most people would rather not stop for anyone. In the process however, we could be losing great opportunities to minister God’s love and healing to hurting people.


A Mother who blessed all mankind (Devotional)

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The influence and efforts of mothers are celebrated around the world this week. We thank God for every mother. In this Devotional, we  highlight a mother whose decision of courage and faith, affected ALL of mankind for good.

The Example of Mary as a Mother:

“How will this be, since I am a virgin”? (Luke 1:34)

Mary, the mother of Jesus, asked this question when the angel Gabriel brought her an astounding message (Luke 1:26-33). She was chosen to give birth to the Messiah, the Son of God, as a virgin!! (Luke 1:32, 35). Obviously in shock, and puzzled, Mary asked, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” This was a question of wonder, not of unbelief, as she grappled with how such an amazing thing could actually take place? How she could be the mother of the Messiah?  The angel answered, “The power of the Most High will overshadow you…For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:35-37).


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