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Psalm 91: A Message of Hope

A photo of the Holy Bible opened to the book of Psalms.

Introduction to Psalm 91

When Covid-19 swept across almost all borders, fear and anxiety gripped hearts around the world. No one seemed safe anymore and everyone was searching for methods of protection. Today, we face new and dangerous challenges. In times of crisis, however, the children of God, as it has happened right through history, can find encouragement and comfort through the promises of God. One such passage people often turn to for comfort is Psalm 91.

As I look at social media today, I find many people sharing either the entire passage of Psalm 91 or at least parts of it, to strengthen others. Through this article, I would like to share my thoughts as well regarding this beautiful Psalm. Do keep your Bible open to Psalm 91 as you read.



The Burning Bush Encounter: Sermon on Exodus 3.

This is an outline of a sermon I preached at People’s Church, Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Sunday 28th July 2019. The sermon covers some key points from the meeting God had with Moses at the burning bush. I pray the outline will be useful to you.


  • God met with Moses while he was attending to his daily work as a Shepherd.

Exodus 3:1-2 “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.”


Video: Delays can be Divine Appointments

Delays are Divine Appointments

I once heard a Pastor mention that he waited 6 long years to win the affection of his future wife. The Founding Pastor of People’s Church in Sri Lanka, Pastor Colton Wickramaratne received a vision from God in 1957 about his future ministry. He had to persevere through many delays and challenges before the large vision became a reality. When I began my career in Radio Broadcasting, I waited 3 years to get a proper break on the Radio Station. I almost quit, but thankfully God came through at the right time and my broadcasting career expanded thereafter. A number of couples I know prayed earnestly for a child for many years before the prayer was answered.

All these stories have one common thread; delay.


Finishing the Race Well (2 Timothy 4)

This is the video of a sermon that was preached on Sunday, November 25th,2018, at the People’s Church in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The sermon shows how we can finish our race well through 5 practical points. It is based around the Apostle Paul’s final instruction to Timothy in the last chapter of 2 Timothy. May it encourage you to finish your race well!

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