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Sermon: The 4 Powerful Names of the Christmas Child

Visual of the Nativity depicting the Christmas Child.

The Names of the Christmas Child

What’s in a name?

We would normally do anything to protect our name. My surname Jayasooriya is spelled with the letters ‘soo’.., but pretty often, people spell it with ‘su’. I don’t mind it but I like it when my name is spelled correctly. From the days I was in school and even up till today, if you saw the figures or number 007, what would you think of, or who would you think of? That’s right, it’s James Bond!

Right through my entire life the name Elvis Presley has been a very well known name. A name like Mohandas Gandhi is a very well known name. And for the more modern generation, who are into modern day entertainment, names like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader are the kind of names that they are familiar with right now. (Play a short clip off ‘Star Wars’ to emphasize the point.)

For instance, if last Sunday we had announced that an internationally known preacher was speaking at this service on Sunday morning, I am sure that more people would have turned up just to hear him because the name carries some value with it.

Visual of the Nativity depicting the Christmas Child.

The Names of the Christmas Child

What’s in a name?

We would normally do anything to protect our name. My surname Jayasooriya is spelled with the letters ‘soo’.., but pretty often, people spell it with ‘su’. I don’t mind it but I like it when my name is spelled correctly. From the days I was in school and even up till today, if you saw the figures or number 007, what would you think of, or who would you think of? That’s right, it’s James Bond!

Right through my entire life the name Elvis Presley has been a very well known name. A name like Mohandas Gandhi is a very well known name. And for the more modern generation, who are into modern day entertainment, names like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader are the kind of names that they are familiar with right now. (Play a short clip off ‘Star Wars’ to emphasize the point.)

For instance, if last Sunday we had announced that an internationally known preacher was speaking at this service on Sunday morning, I am sure that more people would have turned up just to hear him because the name carries some value with it.

Visual of the Nativity depicting the Christmas Child.

The Names of the Christmas Child

What’s in a name?

We would normally do anything to protect our name. My surname Jayasooriya is spelled with the letters ‘soo’.., but pretty often, people spell it with ‘su’. I don’t mind it but I like it when my name is spelled correctly. From the days I was in school and even up till today, if you saw the figures or number 007, what would you think of, or who would you think of? That’s right, it’s James Bond!

Right through my entire life the name Elvis Presley has been a very well known name. A name like Mohandas Gandhi is a very well known name. And for the more modern generation, who are into modern day entertainment, names like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader are the kind of names that they are familiar with right now. (Play a short clip off ‘Star Wars’ to emphasize the point.)

For instance, if last Sunday we had announced that an internationally known preacher was speaking at this service on Sunday morning, I am sure that more people would have turned up just to hear him because the name carries some value with it.

Visual of the Nativity depicting the Christmas Child.

The Names of the Christmas Child

What’s in a name?

We would normally do anything to protect our name. My surname Jayasooriya is spelled with the letters ‘soo’.., but pretty often, people spell it with ‘su’. I don’t mind it but I like it when my name is spelled correctly. From the days I was in school and even up till today, if you saw the figures or number 007, what would you think of, or who would you think of? That’s right, it’s James Bond!

Right through my entire life the name Elvis Presley has been a very well known name. A name like Mohandas Gandhi is a very well known name. And for the more modern generation, who are into modern day entertainment, names like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader are the kind of names that they are familiar with right now. (Play a short clip off ‘Star Wars’ to emphasize the point.)

For instance, if last Sunday we had announced that an internationally known preacher was speaking at this service on Sunday morning, I am sure that more people would have turned up just to hear him because the name carries some value with it.

Visual of the Nativity depicting the Christmas Child.

The Names of the Christmas Child

What’s in a name?

We would normally do anything to protect our name. My surname Jayasooriya is spelled with the letters ‘soo’.., but pretty often, people spell it with ‘su’. I don’t mind it but I like it when my name is spelled correctly. From the days I was in school and even up till today, if you saw the figures or number 007, what would you think of, or who would you think of? That’s right, it’s James Bond!

Right through my entire life the name Elvis Presley has been a very well known name. A name like Mohandas Gandhi is a very well known name. And for the more modern generation, who are into modern day entertainment, names like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader are the kind of names that they are familiar with right now. (Play a short clip off ‘Star Wars’ to emphasize the point.)

For instance, if last Sunday we had announced that an internationally known preacher was speaking at this service on Sunday morning, I am sure that more people would have turned up just to hear him because the name carries some value with it.


‘Christmas Reflections’ – Christmas Devotional


Christmas Devotional:

Dear Friends of The Preaching Platform,

We are thrilled at being able to publish our 21 – day Christmas Devotional titled ‘Christmas Reflections’ this year. It covers different aspects of the Christmas story with 3 devotionals for the New Year included.  It can be used as follows:

  1. As an add on to your Christmas gifts for family, friends and office staff.
  2. As as tool for Christmas outreach meetings.
  3. As a personal devotional booklet during the Christmas Season.
  4.  For Small Group study.

Please email us at [email protected] for purchases and courier options. Thanks.

Devotional : God Still Speaks Prophetically

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“But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)

In the story of Jesus’ birth, although Mary had believed and accepted the message of the Angel Gabriel, she may have still been perplexed as to how the message would become reality. She probably needed some assurance and she went to the right person; Elizabeth, who was a godly relative. Elizabeth’s response to the visit was exactly what Mary needed.

Elizabeth’s Prophecy

As Mary and Elizabeth met, two prophetic happenings took place. The first was that the baby in Elizabeth’s womb did a leap of joy, as Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The second was that she prophesied over Mary, confirming the Angel’s message to Mary. She said, “Blessed is the Child you will bear”, and then identified Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:39-45). These were powerful prophetic utterances.CONTINUE READING

Devotional : God Speaks in our Daily Routine

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“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news….Today …a Savior has been born to you;… ” (Luke 2:10-11).

Between the Old and New Testaments, God had been silent for over 400 years but at the appointed time, at the birth of Christ, He began to speak. In the Christmas story God spoke at different times through dreams, visions, songs, prophecy and through the Galaxy.

In Luke 2:10-14, an Angel of the Lord appeared to a group of shepherds who were in their daily workplace at night-time. He gave them a message that would change the course of history forever. As the Angel spoke about the birth of the Messiah, a great heavenly choir began a song of praise and the sky shone with the glory of God; probably like an amazing celestial fireworks display.CONTINUE READING

Sermon: Conflicts in Christian Ministry


(This is the outline of the sermon video I posted a few days ago about the conflict between Paul and Barnabas. I pray the video and this outline will be a blessing to you.)

 Acts 15:36-41 “Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.”37 Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them,38 but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work.39 They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus,40 but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord.41 He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.”


Main thought: God can bring blessing out of all the conflicts or challenges we face.CONTINUE READING

Sermon : Conflicts in Christian Ministry

This is the video of a sermon preached at the People’s Church, on 19th August 2018, that deals with conflicts in Christian ministry.. It is based around the serious conflict that arose between Paul an Barnabas in Acts 15. The sermon contains 4 main points and is part of a series on The Book of Acts.

See also:

A Church that Glorifies God

Sermon: The Parable of the Persistent Widow and Her Successful Appeal (Luke 18)

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(This is a brief sermon outline taken from ‘The Parable of the Persistent Widow’ (Luke 18:1-8))

Main Thought –We should always pray and not give up (18:1)

From this Parable, we will look at 4 reasons why we can and should persist in prayer. They are as follows;

The persistent widow came to a wicked Judge; we come to a loving Father (18:2,7)

“In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men”. (18:1)

“Will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? (18:7)


Bible Plan: The God of Divine Appointments

This 4-day Bible reading plan shows how God can bless us with ‘Unexpected Divine Appointments’ when we are confronted by unexpected challenges. God works in unexpected ways to bring about ‘Divine Appointments’ for His children. Get it here.

new reading plan

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