Article: Celebrating Women on Mother's Day
“A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised, give her the reward she has earned” (Proverbs 31:30-31)

The world is celebrating Mother’s Day as usual on a large scale and I’m so happy that The Peoples Church is celebrating our mothers, at our services on May 13th. I thought however that this was a good opportunity for me to express my appreciation to the 2 mothers who have had the most input and the most impact in my life.

My Wife:

First, I would like to say ‘thank you’ to the mother who has for the past 13 years taken excellent care of our 2 sons, Sheriah and Sheramiah, and that’s my lovely wife, Regina! Over the past 13 yeWP_20160426_005ars I have witnessed the amazing love, understanding and care she has shown to our 2 boys as only a mother could do. It’s amazing how in the midst of any large or noisy crowd, she could hear the cry of one of them or sense a need in them that I would be oblivious to! I particularly remember the strength with which she handled a bad accident one of our sons had, when I was frozen with shock and didn’t know what to do!

Parenting is always a challenge and God has helped Regina with His wisdom and grace, to handle all the challenges she has faced so far, through the power of the prayers she prays everyday, for our sons.

My Mother:

Secondly, I would like to pay tribute to the lady who is fondly known as Auntie Margie, my own mother. I’m so thankful that she has been blessed with good health till now, buIMG_0360t the greatest blessing she had was when Jesus touched her life with His amazing, saving, grace! My parents sacrificed so much to give their 3 sons a good education and a decent life, but she had her hands full for most of my childhood, since I was a terribly sick child.

For most of that time she loaded me with Horlicks, Sanatogen and chicken broth (made in her most treasured possession at that time – a pressure cooker), to try and keep me healthy! I remember a time when I was battling recurring bouts of sickness, when she would come all the way to my school by bus to give me a dose of my medicine. While being blessed on this earth for her sacrifices, many rewards surely await her in eternity!

I would also like to salute ALL mothers through this post and thank you for the excellent commitment shown towards your own children. Thank you also to all who have enriched our family through your friendship and your prayers.

Those with Challenges on Mother’s Day:

However, I also want to remember some people to whom Mother’s Day may not be an easy day to handle. They are;

  • Those wanting to be a mother but who for some reason have not had the opportunity. It’s not an easy place to be in, but I’m pretty sure you have mothered a lot of children anyway, through the love in your heart, and I recognize that. Please read the link below for an article by Pastor Ron Edmondson. “A Happy Mother’s Day Tribute to the Mother Who Has No Children

I also know that we have a God who hears and answers prayer and you can take your need to Him in prayer, as Hannah did (1 Samuel 1:10-11).

On the other hand, many couples I know decided to adopt 1 or more children and I have seen the amazing blessing the children have been to them and the joy they have brought into the parents’ lives.

  • People whose mothers have passed away. Let me encourage you to remember and treasure the memories. Thank God today for their lives, their love, their influence and their sacrifices. As a man of God said, “As time goes by, we can remember our loved ones less with grief and more with gratitude”.
  • Mothers who have lost a child. Only a mother or parent who has gone through such an agonizing situation can understand the pain. And of course, Jesus can. If Jesus’ mother Mary was alive today, she would also be able to identify with your pain, for she knew only too well the pain involved as she witnessed her Son being brutally killed (John 19:25-27). Mary I am sure was a mother to the apostle John thereafter.


In closing, lets pay tribute not only to the mothers, but to all the ladies as we ‘Celebrate Women’. “Treat… older women as mothers and younger women as sisters…” (1 Timothy 5:1-2)

I realize that it’s not possible to cover all areas in a short post like this. Your thoughts and comments are therefore most welcome.

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