
Praise be to our God!

2 days ago, on 1st September, we completed our first Anniversary of the online ministry of ‘The Preaching Platform’. I well remember the day this ministry was launched 1 year ago by Pastor Dishan Wickramaratne, the Senior Pastor of the Peoples Church (Assembly of God).

As we look back over 1 year of God’s faithfulness, we thank Him for the way He has blessed our efforts and for the lives He has touched through this ministry.  The sermons and devotionals on the blog have had 10391 page views in 142 countries over the past year, besides the views on Facebook and Twitter.

One of the positive by-products of our ministry has been that the sermons/devotionals have also been published on International websites as follows. The figures given are purely to give glory to God since it is nothing but His hand that has made all this possible.

  • Sermon central.com, one of the largest sermon sharing websites in the world. (At present, we are on the verge of passing 150,000 sermon views for the 25 sermons published so far).
  • Thoughts-about God.com, a much loved devotional website. The 5 devotionals we have submitted so far have had 17779 likes and shares.
  • Preaching.com – 3 of our sermons can be seen on their Home page at present.
  • Yourdailybread.org, the community sharing devotional website of Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Besides our great God, we would also like to thank all who have walked this journey with us, encouraged us and  prayed for us, as follows:

  • Every subscriber to the Blog, Facebook friend and Twitter follower. Thank you for reading the posts, watching the videos and for the ‘likes’, ‘shares’ & ‘comments’. We are thankful also to those who took the time to rate our sermons on Sermon Central.
  • Pastor Dishan Wickramaratne, Pastor Dharshan Fernando and all our ministry colleagues at the Peoples Church.
  • The media team at Peoples Church for helping with the audio/video posts.
  • Pastor Yohan Perera who blogs at ‘The Virtual Preacher’ for all the Administrative and technical assistance given. Yohan has an amazingly helpful heart! Without his help, this ministry would never have got off the ground. Thanks to his wife, Cheryl too.
  • My loving wife Regina and my 2 precious sons Sheriah & Sheramiah, for all the encouragement given. Regina does all the typing, typesetting, visual searches & sermon posts across all the online platforms.

As mentioned before, it is nothing but the hand of God that has helped us through the past year. I am humbled and blessed to know that the Lord Jesus could take the writings of a little known preacher from a small but beautiful nation, Sri Lanka, to be a voice for His glory!!! Many of these sermons were birthed on our knees, in prayer.

In closing, we request your prophetic words of encouragement and fervent prayers, for something greater to happen in the days ahead. We would also be blessed if you would subscribe to ‘The Preaching Platform’, which will enable you to receive all future posts direct to your email inbox.

Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning, new mercies I see,
All I have needed, Thy hand has provided,
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

God bless everyone of you!!

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