This is a 10 minute edit of a sermon preached at the People’s Church, Sri Lanka on Sunday, 13th March 2016. The sermon was based around the time when Joseph was put in prison.

Lessons from the life of Joseph – Part 5This week we look at lessons Joseph learnt through his prison experience. We see that even in prison the Lord was with Joseph and he caused everything he did to succeed. The Prison factor is significant to us because that is one of the hardest experiences in our life. It is there that the Lord teaches us perseverance. If you are going through a prison experience caused by someone else, or even because of your own doing, take some time to see how you can get out of it. We want to encourage you to be a part of a small group (cell group) for and extended study over these 6 weeks. If you are not connected to a small group or want to know more about it, speak to one of the ushers or full time pastors regarding one. We will be glad to help you.

Posted by People’s Church on Thursday, 17 March 2016


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