Category: Sermons (Page 2 of 13)

Seeing God When My Eyes Fail

Visual of someone looking up through a binoculars to indicate looking at God when our eyes fail.

This article was first published in September 2022 on Discover from Our Daily Bread Ministries.

After what seemed like an agonizingly long time, my eye doctor said, “You have a problem pastor. You need to get it fixed urgently.” I sat there, shocked, hardly able to listen, as he explained with much concern that the retina on my left eye had detached. (To make matters worse, there were small holes (tears) on the retina of my right eye as well).

No! This can’t be true! Not my eyes,” I thought, as he kept talking. But, yes, this was really happening to me. My thoughts flashed back to a persistent uneasiness I had felt for some time with my vision. My vision had been nearly perfect following cataract surgery a few years earlier. I had even unceremoniously disposed of the thick spectacles that had been a part of my appearance for almost my entire life! Now, this!


Being A Person Sent By God (Acts 19:8-11, John1:6) – A Sermon Outline

A visual of a person sent by God studying His Word in preparing for his/her mission..

Introduction: Sermon outline on being sent by God

“There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John” (John 1:6)

Like John the Baptist, God is looking for men and women He can send into His harvest field. Are you willing to be one of them? Dwight Moody was once told, “Moody, the world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully committed to Him.” Moody answered that call and God used him powerfully.

Proposition: God can use anyone who is available and willing to serve Him.

In case you are asking the question, “What does God expect of me if He sends me?”, here are 5 things He would look for.


Strength From God’s Word: Episode 14 – God’s Eye is on the Sparrow

Podcast – God’s Eye is on the Sparrow

This 2.38″ minute podcast is based on Matthew 6. It highlights the fact that the Father who feeds and takes care of the birds of the air, will always take good care of His children. If you are blessed by the podcast, do consider subscribing to our YouTube channel.

For an inspiring Father’s Day sermon click here.

For a playlist of Episodes 1-10 of our podcast click here.

God’s Mercy Will Transform Your Future (Sermon Outline)

A visual of a person looking forward over a lake to indicate that God's mercy can transform our future.

Introduction: Begin with a meaningful personal illustration of God’s mercy over your life.

When you understand God’s mercy:

  • Anxiety will decrease and peace of mind will increase
  • Stress will decrease and stability will increase
  • Frustrations in Life will decrease and satisfaction in life will increase

In Today’s topic, we will look at Joshua 2 and the life of a lady – a mother in the Bible called Rahab. Rahab had many strikes against her and not much hope for a fulfilled future. She probably had very little to look forward to.

God’s mercy would however transform her bleak future!


The Power of the Cross – ‘Strength From God’s Word’ Podcast – Episode 11

This 3-minute podcast is based on Colossians 2:13-15. It highlights 3 powerful truths about what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the cross through His sacrifice. If you are blessed by the podcast, do consider subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Strength From God’s Word – The Power of the Cross

For a more detailed inspiring study on the cross, click here.

Palm Sunday Sermon – A Colt, a Command, and a Cleansing (Mark 11)

A visual of palm leaves to highlight the topic of the sermon outline which is Palm Sunday.

Introduction to Sermon Outline:

Draw a comparison between a royal wedding and Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem as King on Palm Sunday. What are the similarities you see? What are the differences?

This sermon outline is based around 3 events that are connected to the Palm Sunday story. 

1. Palm Sunday is symbolized by a colt (Mark 11:1-10)

*Jesus sent two disciples to a nearby village where they would find a colt that no man had ridden. (verse 1-2)

* They were to untie the colt and bring it to Jesus. If anyone were to ask what they were doing, they were to say that the Lord needed it and would return it shortly. (verse 2-6). 

*It is noteworthy that Jesus was going to return the colt to its owner (verse 3). 

* Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt in the midst of praise (verse 7-10), fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy confirming that He was Messiah and King. This is what the prophet Zechariah said.

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9)

* Highlight that Jesus’ kingship began with humility and sacrifice

Application from point 1 : 

 This Palm Sunday is Jesus the king of your entire life? If not, allow Him to be so.

Illustration: Share the moment when Jesus became your Savior.


Strength From God’s Word – Episode 1: ‘Take it to the Lord in Prayer’

Strength From God’s Word Podcast – Prayer

This is Episode 1 of a new podcast series on The Preaching Platform called ‘Strength From God’s Word’. This 2+ minute podcast encourages us to always take our challenges to the Lord in prayer, before we look at other solutions. May it encourage you to trust God through your daily challenges. If you have been blessed by this podcast, we would request you to subscribe to our You Tube channel here. Thanks.

For more teaching on seeking God click here.

For a similar podcast click here.

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