This devotional is based around a Shunammite lady who had been greatly blessed by Elisha’s ministry. Not only was she blessed with the miracle of a child (2 Kings 4:17), but later, the now grown up son, was raised from the dead through God’s power (2 Kings 8:1).
On Elisha’s instructions thereafter, she had left her home and gone to Philistine territory to avoid a 7 year famine (8:1-2). When the famine was over, she returned home, only to find to her dismay that the house and land no longer belonged to her. It is possible that the land had either been seized by the Government, or been encroached on.
(We have amalgamated 3 of our devotionals to bring you a 3-point sermon on one page about how God cares for His children.)
Introduction:In an interview with The Reader’s Digest magazine, Grammy Award winning pop singer Gloria Estefan spoke graciously about her year one teacher, Dorothy Collins, who helped shape her early English language skills. Gloria has in fact spoken many times of that period in her life and the challenges she faced (including severe teasing), as a foreign student, particularly due to her inability to communicate in English. However, Gloria received assistance in her language skills and was given the confidence to persevere by her teacher, Dorothy Collins.
Eventually, Gloria won the class reading prize and went on to study languages at University. She also built a highly successful international career in pop music. Said Gloria, “My year one teacher didn’t just teach me the language; she helped me find my voice.“
Finding God’s Favor – Introduction: Most people, especially those with a heart for adventure, like wide, open spaces. On our travels too, we prefer to move away from crowded cities looking for open spaces. We look for beaches, mountains, open roads, rivers etc to enjoy open spaces and the beauty of nature
In sporting events like rugby, soccer, cricket and basketball, when a team gives the opposing team additional room or extra space to make a move, it can lead to giving them an opportunity to score and maybe even win the game. I am reminded of Carlos Alberto’s legendary goal for Brazil in the final of the 1970 soccer World Cup. Yes, finding extra room can even be a deciding factor between victory and defeat.
The above video is taken off a sermon titled ‘Jesus- The Prince of Peace’ presented on December 27th, 2020, at the People’s Church in Colombo, Sri Lanka. A brief outline of the sermon is given below. Included in the sermon is a powerful life-changing story by Vanessa Perera at 16.11″ at and a beautiful Solo (‘O Holy Night’) by Melanie Bibile at 24.05″. Thanks to Mokshini Jayamanne for the sign language translation.
The Prince of Peace ( Isaiah 9:6-7)
Illustration to introduce topic
Reflect on the desperation in Isaiah’s time and the similarities in today’s situation
In Isaiah 9:1-2, the darkness and gloom is removed and the light comes shining through
Read Isaiah 9:6-7 and pray
Main Thought:
Only Jesus can bring true peace to individuals and society.
(This is an edited transcript of a sermon preached at The People’s Church in Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Good morning Friends, my message today is taken from 1 Chronicles Chapter 21 and it’s titled ‘David’s Intercession During a National Crisis’.
I am going to speak about a major crisis that came upon Israel that is reflected in the Old Testament. But before I go further, let’s read 1 Chronicles 21:26. It says, “David built an altar to the Lord there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He called on the Lord, and the Lord answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering.”
.David’s sacrifice mentioned here was a sacrifice of intercession. It was a sacrifice of intercession in the midst of a crisis. So today, as we look at whatever crisis situations we may be going through in our nation and in our own lives, may be there is something that God is leading us to by way of bringing a sacrifice of intercession towards Him.
I want to leave with you 5 points from this chapter about David’s intercessory sacrifice at this critical moment, and I pray that one, or two, or more of these points, will speak to your heart this morning. Whenever God’s Word is proclaimed, irrespective of who presents it, God speaks, and I believe that God will speak to all of you in some clear form or the other as I share from this passage.
I remember an occasion when I was battling what seemed like a huge crisis in my life. It was causing me much anxiety and sleepless nights. In the midst of this battle, a gentleman who was a very shy and quiet person, spoke out a prophetic word at one of our Sunday evening services. The message he shared that evening under the Holy Spirit’s anointing was exactly what I needed to hear for the situation I was in. As I received assurance as God spoke through this brother’s words, He began to work in my crisis and everything changed within a couple of weeks!!
If ever we needed to hear from God, it is now. The good news is that God still speaks to His people in different ways and this is very evident in the Christmas story.
Proposition : God waits to speak to you at Christmas time.
In this sermon I would like to share 3 ways in which God spoke in the Christmas story and its relevance for us today. They are:
Introduction: As we go through the music of today and days gone by, we find that the ‘Heart’ is referred to over and over again. To take a few examples of songs that came out during different stages of my life, we find titles like ‘Heart of Gold’, ‘A Good Heart’, ‘My Heart Will go on Loving You’, and ‘Your Cheating Heart’. (I guess these titles show how old I am!). That’s because the heart is at the center of all life.
One of the meanings given by the Cambridge Dictionary for the word ‘Heart’ goes like this: “The central or most important part” (of a matter). That’s how we come to the term “Let’s get to the heart of the matter”. Another description of the term “the heart of the matter” by The Free Dictionary goes like this: “The most important, basic or fundamental essence or elements of an issue….or matter at hand. That brings me to the main thought in this sermon.
Proposition: Let’s ensure we get to ‘The Heart of Christmas’ this year.
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