
In an increasingly insecure world, people are living in tension and anxiety. The fear of death has gripped the hearts of people everywhere. Horrific scenes of death and destruction can be seen every day.  However, in such troubled times, the child of God can rest assured in the fact that our future is always secure in the hands of the Lord!

In John 14, the disciples of Jesus were troubled because He had given a hint that He would be leaving them soon (refer John 13:31-38). Although, at that time, they couldn’t grasp all that Jesus meant, what they heard was enough to get their anxiety levels to rise rapidly.

In the midst of this scenario, the Lord made some powerful statements to bring reassurance to their troubled hearts. It highlighted the following facts;

1. He was going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2)

“I am going there to prepare a place for you”.

Illustration – I was once travelling to Singapore and a friend of mine had agreed to find me a place to stay. However, when I got there, to my pleasant surprise, I found that what he had arranged for me was way better than what I had imagined. I was full of gratitude for his generosity and for the arrangements he had made.

When we take a journey, we generally like to have proper accommodation at our destination. If not, we may even postpone our trip for another day. How encouraging it is to know that the Lord has prepared a better place for us! Therefore we do not face the future with uncertainty. While we may not know everything of what has been prepared, the scriptures show us that it will be something beyond our present imagination and vision!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2:9)

2. He is coming back for His children (John 14:3)

“I will come back and take you to be with me”.

The second coming of Jesus is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. That’s a lot of scripture! Since Jesus has been true to all His promises so far, we can be assured that He will be more than true to this one as well!! When that great event takes place, He will receive us to Himself, to enjoy His blessings forever!

‘Humans make promises that are broken easily, but the promises of God stand true forever!’

Therefore, as someone said, ‘We do not look for the undertaker, but we look for the uppertaker’.

Illustration – It is said that the territory held by a famous General in World War 2 was overrun by enemy forces. As he prepared to leave with his soldiers, he made a promise to the people that he would come back to liberate them soon. They held on to that promise and true to his word, the General did return with his army to liberate the land from the opposing forces.

If a human General could fulfill his promise so effectively, how much more would the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, do so? Are you waiting in anticipation for the day in which the clouds will be rolled back and our Savior will appear in all His glory?

3. He gives peace to our troubled hearts (John 14:27)

God has promised to be with us and to give us a peace that passes all understanding. Therefore, the Apostle Paul says, “Do not be anxious about anything…” (Philippians 4:6). The Lord Jesus Himself told the Disciples, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. (John 14:27). May that peace sustain you in the tumultuous times we are going through. It surely will!

Illustration – When faced with an unbearable tragedy that involved untimely deaths in his family, Thomas Dorsey, in the midst of heartbreak and a shattered world, penned down some lyrics that have touched thousands of lives over the years.

Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the Light,
Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home.

His peace will keep you secure as you face an uncertain future.

Therefore, let’s remember that the Lord Jesus is coming back to take us to a prepared place. Till then, He will hold our hand; His peace and grace will sustain us.

God bless you abundantly!

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