Tag: Answered Prayer

Strength From God’s Word – Episode 2 – ‘Delays are not Denials.’

Podcast on ‘Delays are not Denials’.

This message based on the book of Esther chapters 2 and 6, encourages us to believe in God’s timing when we face delayed answers to our prayers. It is a 2.30′-minute podcast that will encourage you to trust God in prayer. For another similar podcast click here. If you are blessed by this podcast, please do subscribe to our You Tube channel here. Thanks.

Devotional : Delays Are Not Denials

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I once heard a Pastor mention that he waited 6 long years to win the affection of his future wife. The Founding Pastor of our church, Pastor Colton Wickramaratne received a vision from God in 1957 about his future ministry. He had to persevere through many delays and challenges before the large vision became a reality. When I began my career in Radio Broadcasting, I waited 3 years to get a proper break on the Radio Station. I almost quit, but thankfully God came through. A number of couples I know prayed earnestly for a child for many years before the prayer was answered.

All these stories have one common thread; delay.

Are you troubled about an answer to a prayer being delayed in your life? Have you almost given up? Do you feel like God is denying you His blessing?


Devotional: Take It To The Lord In Prayer


A peaceful scene from Kirimetiya, Sri Lanka

My mobile phone crashed sometime ago and I had to switch to my wife’s old one as a temporary measure. On the first day of using the phone, there was one particularly important feature that neither I nor my wife could   grasp, though we tried to figure it out for a while. My small son, who was watching us all the time, then boldly mentioned that he could help us figure it out. We ignored his offer of help and kept grappling with the problem unsuccessfully on our own, even though he repeatedly kept offering his help. Eventually, maybe more out of irritation, we handed the phone to him. Lo and behold, he sorted it out within a few minutes!!